Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hair Drama

So I know I haven't been on here in a LONG time, but this is definitely blog worthy. So the other day I got the urge to cut my hair. I wanted it to get cut right around my shoulders, just like the following picture...

When she started cutting, she did the bottom layer all the way around and it was chin length everywhere so I wasn't worried. She started working on the back and by the time I could see how short it was in the back it was too late to make her stop. At first I had a really long tail in the back that was about 4 inches longer then the rest of my hair, and I managed to get her to cut it a bit. However, when all was said and done this is what I got...

Needless to say, I was very upset with the lady that cut my hair, and it taught me a valuable lesson never to go to supercuts to get my hair cut ever again. I figure in about a year or two I should have my hair back longer again. Oh well.